France and PNG Sign LoI to Enhance Green, Inclusive Financial Sector Cooperation

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February 27, 2024

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) have jointly signed a LoI to strengthen their partnership in promoting a greener and more inclusive financial sector in PNG. The signing ceremony took place on Friday, 28 July 2023 at the APEC Haus, Port Moresby.

There to witness the ceremony were French President H.E Emmanuel Macron while on his one-day state visit to PNG and PNG Prime Minster Rt. Hon. James Marape after their high-level bilateral meeting earlier in the day. Representatives who signed the LoI include Mr Sakiusa Tuisolia, Country Representative GGGI PNG, Mr Remy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer AFD, and Mrs Elizabeth Genia, Acting Governor BPNG.

This LoI aims to formalize the cooperation between AFD, GGGI and BPNG to integrate climate-related issues into PNG’s financial and Banking sectors, to contribute to closing the gap between supply and demand of funds to cope with the impacts of climate change and ensure a modern, reliable, safe, and sustainable economy to benefit the people of Papua New Guinea.

All participants highly commended this partnership, emphasizing its significance in promoting green economic growth in PNG and pledged allegiance to work together in this endeavour. Visit the link below for the full Press Release and to see actual comments made.

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Source: GGGI Papua New Guinea Facebook Page

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